A tiled screenshot is created by taking screenshots of smaller areas of the screen scaled up at a larger resolution and then stitching all the smaller screenshots together into one very large high resolution screen shot. SetRes HxV - Allows you to set a custom screen resolution to a value other than what is offered in the Video Options menu. Value is a floating point number for example, 2.
Gamma value - Allows you set the Gamma value brightness beyond the bounds of the Video Options menu. Note that some rendering issue may occur with very large or very small FOV settings. Now save the file and exit from the text editor. The single line console window will automatically close itself when you hit Enter after typing in a console command this prevents the console window from being captured in screenshots generated from the console window. Run the game at least once, create a character in the game, exit and save your game, then exit the game from the main menu. To enable the command console window in the game, you will need to edit the DefaultInput.
This was originally posted by Botman over on the old forums.